Sharing case studies and tutorials to show how I tackle challenges and build solutions as a design engineer.
Xata website deep dive v.2024
Showcasing the details of the makeover of the Xata website as we move to our new serverless Postgres offering.
Using Next.js to improve speed and efficiency at Xata
Discover how Xata utilizes Next.js to enhance speed and efficiency.
Bulding Elastic UI
Most of the work as a designer at Elastic UI consists of maintaining, evangelizing, enhancing, and adding new components. I have been working on the Elastic UI team for 3 years now and I have been able to work on a lot of different components.
How to create a drooling cat animation
This is a very simple drooling cat animation created with React, Emotion, and Figma.
A timeslider for Elastic Maps
During my time as the primary designer for for Elastic Maps, I had the opportunity to design a feature that had been eagerly anticipated by the GIS community - the Timeslider.
Designing and building a Markdown Editor
At Elastic, we needed a component that would allow writing technical content. This content could contain code, images, attached files, or even embeddable components.
A Segmentation tool to communicate with cinema audiences
As a solution to the issue of mass communication in cinema marketing, my team at Showtime Analytics created a segmentation tool that allows marketers to segment audiences based on their demographics, habits, and interests.